
Jorge Vergara

Accessing the Firebase emulator data from your phone

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

The Firebase Emulator Suite is must have for Firebase developers, it lets you develop locally without the fear of breaking your bank, if for example, you make an error in development that triggers an infinite loop on a Cloud Function.

But what happens when you want to test your app on real mobile devices while you’re using the emulator?

I recently tried this just to hit an error every time my app tried to talk to Firebase: Failed to load resource: Could not connect to the server.

After some tinkering (and some googling) I found a way to make it happen.

​Learn how to access the Firebase Emulator from external devices.

Do you use the Emulator Suite when working with firebase? Do reply and let me know if there's anything I can help with!

Jorge Vergara

Web Developer and Instructor sharing what I know about building mobile applications with web technologies such as Angular, Ionic Framework, Firebase, and nodejs

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